Child Health

Healthier Together

Improving the health of babies, children and young people throughout the North East

The Children’s Sleep Charity

We understand how difficult life can be when your child has a sleep issue. Our aim is to support families to get a better night’s sleep by offering workshops, clinics and written materials. We use a behavioural approach to sleep and work in partnership with families, we know that you are the expert on your child. We will bring you the latest news about what is happening around the country and how you can access support.
01302 751 416

Action for Children

Every family needs a bit of support from time to time. We’re here to help. We work with families from before children are born until they’re in their twenties. We do this in lots of different ways – in local services, schools and online. We step in early to help build positive relationships. We bring parents together at support groups and in our children’s centres. We offer advice and help with parenting skills. And we never, ever judge.

Safespot (age 6-12 yrs)

Downloadable app (android and IOS) developed by a child psychiatrist who used to work in FV. Promotes mental wellbeing by teaching coping skills.

Contact for families with Disabled children

Contact support families with the best possible guidance and information. For every shape and size of family, whatever they need and whatever their child’s disability
0808 808 3555

SAM (Self Help for Anxiety Management) (Age 12 yrs +)

This app provides self-help techniques to help manage overall anxiety. Track anxiety levels, triggers, and build a personal tool kit in the app. It also provides interactive guidance for practicing self-help and a closed social community to engage with others. If you’re looking for holistic snapshot of your anxiety and how to cope with it, this may be the app for you.

Worry Box (age 6-16 yrs)

This app serves as a journal for children and adolescents to record their worrisome thoughts. Steps are then identified in managing the worry

Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme

Triple P is a parenting programme, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. It’s all about making Triple P work for you.
0207 987 2944

The Children’s Sleep Charity

We understand how difficult life can be when your child has a sleep issue. Our aim is to support families to get a better night’s sleep by offering workshops, clinics and written materials. We use a behavioural approach to sleep and work in partnership with families, we know that you are the expert on your child. We will bring you the latest news about what is happening around the country and how you can access support.
01302 751 416

NSPCC Helpline

If you’re worried about a child, even if you’re unsure, contact NSPCC professional counsellors for help, advice and support.
0808 800 5000


Offers free, confidential advice and support for any child 18 years or under, whatever the worry.
0800 1111

Contact for families with Disabled children

Contact support families with the best possible guidance and information. For every shape and size of family, whatever they need and whatever their child’s disability.
0808 808 3555